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C# process waitforexit return code

C# process waitforexit return code

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Checking if process returned an error | C#
After declaring & starting a process as below:
There are two possibilities now: Either an output or an error.
In case an error happens, is there any property of Process class by which to know if error occurred?
I am redirecting the standard output, I don't want to redirect standard Error as warned in MSDN. Also I don't want to use: BeginOutputReadLine();
Are there any alternatives?
I have a service that needs to start processes and wait for them to exit, and I use something like:
where CommandErrorCode is something like.
Btw, I redirect both standard output and standard error, and use BeginXXXReadLine and the XXXDataReceived handlers, and do not have any issues, but the processes I use are known, well-defined, and well-behaved.

C# process waitforexit return code

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Obtain Exitcode from CMD using c#
I am using following code to write the PATH, EXECUTABLE NAME and ARGUMENTS to a batch file and execute it through CMD using c#. The problem is sometimes the application dosent starts up after executing the batch file. And the c# code dosent give me exception or any notification.
For which i want to get the Exitcode from CMD to determine if the commands executed properly. How can i determine Exit code ?
script inside Batchfile : [Note that Notepads. exe is wrong to get the error ]
"if "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "1" exit /B 1"
It is much easier to run the process directly instead of using creating a batch file that you later execute since you lose some control since you are using a batch script layer.
Use this code instead:
I use it in a number of projects and it works like a charm.
If you HAVE to go the batch script route, make sure that the batch script set exitcode properly.
Does the Process. ExitCode property not give you what you want? Obviously you'd need to make sure that the batch file itself exits with the right exit code, mirroring the application it's running.
By the way, you should use using statements to make sure that all the relevant streams are closed in the face of exceptions - and I would suggest the asynchronous ways of reacting to data from the application, rather than synchronous IO. If you do stick to synchronous IO, you should have another thread reading from standard error - otherwise if the process writes a lot of data to standard error, it will block waiting for you to clear the buffer.

C# process waitforexit return code

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Process WaitForExit and get return value async.
I have a function which starts a process, waits for exit and than returns the exitcode:
This is working well. But because its waiting for Exit, it blocks the Window Form (I have a Marquee Progress Bar which is conitnues moving and now obivously stops). I have no idea how to return the exit code async and I couldn't find any possible solution that I understood.
You can use this code:
But note that the Login function will directly exit after starting the process so you cannot return an integer value. You get the exit code in the function process_exited.
You can register to the Process. Exit event and handle the exit code there.
And then return the exit status from the OnMyProcessExited method.

C# process waitforexit return code

Trying to see if we can use C# to drive unit test environment and hitting a showstopper: Process. ExitCode of invoked Process seems to be getting lost(getting 0 instead of expected 1).
Here is sample program:
And here is sample output:
There should be no "Got unexpected rc: 0" message, obviously.
Why is this happening? Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this further? This is on Win7/64.
By the way, I have raised similar question but about VC++ in VC++ forum.
Edited by aam_ Friday, November 16, 2012 4:54 AM removed signature.
All replies.
"Premature optimization is the root of all evil." - Knuth.
Thank you, Pieter, for your response. The sample is rather contrived example, but of a real problem we were facing when child processes' exit code was getting lost.
What does it mean - overwhelming the process schedule, though? :-) Isn't it supposed to be cornerstone of the OS.
"Premature optimization is the root of all evil." - Knuth.
I am not sure, but it seems the processes started in the loop with "pss. Add(Process. Start(psi));" maybe not necessarily completed one by one in the same order they were added to the list. Best way may be you can debug and see the process ids after starting them and then check the ids in the second loop, to verify whether the order is same in both cases.
Also you be you can debug and see, the exitcode of all the processes are same or not.
I am not sure, but it seems the processes started in the loop with "pss. Add(Process. Start(psi));" maybe not necessarily completed one by one in the same order they were added to the list. Best way may be you can debug and see the process ids after starting them and then check the ids in the second loop, to verify whether the order is same in both cases.
Joon, thank you for the response. For the purposes of this test I'm waiting for the processes in the same order they were created. It is possible that they finish in different order, but I'm serializing the waiting. So, for example, even if first process ends up last, I will wait for that first one before moving on the rest. That should not affect exit code, I don't think.
Also you be you can debug and see, the exitcode of all the processes are same or not.
Per sample output above all processes exit with code 1, except of one, which exited with code 0.
looking at the msdn link, it seems that the process exit codes maynot be same for all similar type of processes. that value can be different. Hence they advise to check "HasExited" property instead.
"Developers usually indicate a successful exit by an ExitCode value of zero, and designate errors by nonzero values that the calling method can use to identify the cause of an abnormal process termination. It is not necessary to follow these guidelines, but they are the convention.
If you try to get the ExitCode before the process has exited, the attempt throws an exception. Examine the HasExited property first to verify whether the associated process has terminated."
looking at the msdn link, it seems that the process exit codes maynot be same for all similar type of processes. that value can be different. Hence they advise to check "HasExited" property instead.
Thank you, for the suggestion, Joon. I added check for HasExited property after WaitForExit(), and it is always true, even when ExitCode is 0 instead of expected 1.
Just some further info that might prove useful. I ran this on an XP box with VS2008 and got following:
With smallish parameters (20, 10 and 10, 20) no errors; all ran to completion.
With parameters 100, 20 got 19 exits with error code -1066598274; no exits with 0. Multiple runs gave some differences in when errors occur (i. e. number of dots between errors) but always 19 for five tests.
It seems that a large number of processes does somehow overwhelm the OS process handling.
Regards David R.
The great thing about Object Oriented code is that it can make small, simple problems look like large, complex ones.
Object-oriented programming offers a sustainable way to write spaghetti code. - Paul Graham.
Every program eventually becomes rococo, and then rubble. - Alan Perlis.
The only valid measurement of code quality: WTFs/minute.
Marked as answer by Bob Shen Microsoft contingent staff, Moderator Tuesday, December 04, 2012 9:06 AM Unmarked as answer by aam_ Tuesday, December 04, 2012 12:53 PM.
We have tried in several environment but could not reproduce this issue. Needs more research and may be some traces. From a support perspective this is really beyond what we can do here in the forums. If you cannot determine your answer here or on your own, consider opening a support case with us. Visit this link to see the various support options that are available to better meet your needs: support. microsoft/default. aspx? id=fh;en-us;offerprophone.
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