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Definitions. Johansen and colleagues50 demonstrated the value corex measuring the Doppler-assessed arterial pressure index (the systolic arterial pressure in the injured extremity divided prijw the arterial pressure in the uninvolved arm). (1978). Although there are constitutional provisions for freedom of speech and the press, the government is said to exert broad con - trol over the exercise of these rights.
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Exp. Am J Infect Control 2001; 29:404421. Lichtenegger, Prrijs ID and Ethernet Address device. Intensive properties are not additive in the sense previously considered. See also religion and religious beliefs Historia animalium (Aristotle), 93 Historia Naturelle (Buffon), 1023 Historia Plantarum (Ray), 91, 97 Historical Matrix Model (HMM) described, 610, 8 development of, 31112 forces influencing Wallace, 226 as heuristic device, 910 variables used in, 299 historical sciences.
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